DevDay Da Nang 2015 had been taken place successfully at Da Nang University of Science & Technology. Being co-organized by Axon Active Vietnam and the university, this event attracted over 600 participants from variety of universities, enterprises from domestic and international to become one of the biggest technology event ever in Da Nang.
DevDay Da Nang 2015 had 18 topics shared parallelly by 17 speakers, who are experts coming from well-knowed IT companies in Vietnam and in over the world as Microsoft, Axon Active Vietnam, Axon IVY, CRIF, Takumi BusinessPlace, FPT Software… All English & Vietnamese topics are well-designed and suitable for majority of the attendants, bringing chances for everyone to approach the newest technologies, working methodologies and useful career orientation for students.
One of the remarkable parts of the event is closing party, which also happened excitingly and meaningful. The party covered by wonderful music performances, tasty and professionally buffet and drinks, and valuable gifts. Even the “Most favorite Speakers” voting part is also organized very professionally with the real-time voting system at, also displayed the “technology fact” in the last minutes of the event.

Let’s look back some important facts of DevDay Da Nang 2015:

The organizer team have received many notes and comments from participants saying how much they appreciated & what the event brought to them & the IT community. And it motivates team a lot to host much better next events.
All of these successes would be impossible to reach without the supports from beloved speakers, sponsors and especially from all participants. On behalf of organizer team, we would like to express our sincerest thanks to all of you, and do hope that you will continue participating with us on the upcoming events.
See you next time! For the bigger event!