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How to Outsource Software Development: Axon Active edition

Writer's picture: Axon content teamAxon content team

You have an idea. A great idea. Like Jeff Patton said in User Story Mapping:

“Every great idea you turn into a product solution changes the world in some small, or not-so-small, way”.

Changing the world takes strength (technically and financially), perseverance, and experience. Even when you’re confident you and your business are capable of doing all this by yourselves, you still need someone who’s really experienced to give you the right advice and support at the right time.

This is when custom software development comes into play.


Software outsourcing services help you transition smoothly

Custom software development is something that cannot be done overnight. It’s even truer when your business isn’t familiar with digital transformation, so isn’t mentally-prepared and ready in terms of talents and called-for resources for such a pivotal change.

You may lack the people with the right skills. You might be short of technical expertise. It can be switching from the familiar day-to-day business to an unknown arena of an ever-changing digital world that requires constant flexibility and adaptation. In fact, considering thoroughly every possible aspect involved in the process takes time.

Outsourcing your software development will help you solve all these issues by bringing in the right expertise. Not only will you benefit tremendously from your outsourcing company’s experience, but you will also get:

  • the people with the right talents for the job

  • the great flexibility in project/product scaling

  • and the proper secure facilities required for the success of your software development

Reproduced from Deloitte’s 2016 Global Outsourcing Survey
Reproduced from Deloitte’s 2016 Global Outsourcing Survey

The purpose and structure of the Software Development Outsourcing Checklist

This checklist aims to aid you in making the right decisions in offshoring software in an efficient, time-saving, and secure manner. Most importantly, it will give you some heads-ups through a 5-point checklist so you know what to expect.

In this series, the checklist evolves. From the specifications of your project/product and the working method to the definition of your target users who you wish to use your software, your ideal offshore team (or the environment that is right for the offshore collaboration), and how to work with the team smoothly.

Along the way, this checklist will come in handy when you develop not only a new software product but also an existing piece of software in need of maintenance or extension.

Software Development Outsourcing Checklist

Click on the checkpoints to read more about:

2. Working Methodology for Software Outsourcing

Do you have a preferred method for the software being developed? Or would you go beyond your comfort zone to try out something new with your outsourcing company?

The most important thing is: You pick a working methodology that you can stick to throughout the entire process of collaboration with your software development team.

There are several working frameworks favored by some tech innovators, such as Agile software development. If it sounds interesting to you, click on the articles below to get to know more:

There are many working methodologies out there for you to choose from and you don’t have to go Agile to outsource your product/project.

4. How to Define Your Ideal Software Development Company (The Right Environment For Offshore Collaboration)

Axon Active – your reliable mentor and provider of software development services

We are one of few tech firms that provide exclusive coaching sessions on software development to clients in the USA and Europe (plus anyone interested in the Southeast Asia region). This enables companies like Soreco and CRIF to see notable transformation in their corporations over the years.

We are here to help your organizations do the same as this is an important mission of ours. For more than 10 years, trust has been central in Axon Active’s partnerships with its long-term clients.

Mr. Lee Atkins – Chief Innovation Officer of H&L (Reproduced from H&L Australia)
Mr. Lee Atkins – Chief Innovation Officer of H&L (Reproduced from H&L Australia)

Mr. Lee Atkins from H&L, one of the partners we’ve worked with for many years, once said:

“They have the understanding, the knowledge, the tools, the framework, the architecture to make testing efficient. We’re happy with the way Axon Active structures the teams, we are happy with the way they embrace the Agile and the Scrum framework because we did the same at H&L. It’s been a really good engine for the execution of our development projects. We’ve proven that the productivity of offshoring our development is a beneficial one and one that we want to continue.”


  1. Brant Cooper, and Patrick Vlaskovits. The Lean Entrepreneur: How Visionaries Create Products, Innovate with New Ventures, and Disrupt Markets. 2nd edition. United States of America: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2016.

  2. Deloitte Development LLC. Deloitte’s 2016 Global Outsourcing Survey. May 2016. (accessed July 20, 2019).

  3. H&L Australia. Our Team. n.d. (accessed 2019).

  4. Margaret Rouse, Fred Churchville, and Mike Dang. User Interface (UI). 2016.

  5. MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab. Passing the elevator test. 2000 (accessed 2019).

  6. Mountain Goat Software. 101 Inspiring Quotes About Agile. n.d.

  7. Sebastian Sussmann. [DevDay 2016] The toolkit for an amazing product – Speaker: Sebastian Sussman – CIO at Axon Active Vietnam. 2016. (accessed 2019).

  8. Wikipedia. Software Quality. n.d. (accessed 2019).

  9. Wikipedia. User experience design. n.d.

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